Simple and Effective Corpus Tools for High School and University EFL Learners
Please join the first in a series of Osaka JALT Online Forums. Martin Spivey will present simple and effective corpus tools for high school and university EFL learners. Here is a brief introduction to his talk:
Although the concept of using corpora in language education has been around for a while (Johns, 1986), it is still considered quite niche, and various factors have limited its widespread application in the classroom (Poole, 2020). However, there is an increasing number of online corpus tools available that are easy to access and require little training for teachers and students alike. In this talk, a brief explanation of what a corpus is and the different types of corpora that currently exist will be given, followed by a practical demonstration of a selection of free and simple corpus tools that instructors can use to promote learner autonomy and give their students the opportunity to explore authentic language for themselves during in-class activities or outside the classroom.
Martin Spivey is originally from the UK and has been teaching EFL to students of various ages and levels for almost two decades. He has an MA in TESOL from the University of Birmingham (UK) and is currently teaching EAP courses at Akita International University and Akita University. His main research interests are corpus-assisted discourse analysis and learner corpora study.
The event is FREE for everyone.