The 13th Annual Temple University Japan Campus Applied Linguistics Colloquium
Date: Sunday, February 13th, 2011
Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Location: Temple University, Japan Campus, Osaka Center (Umeda: Osaka Eki-mae Building #3, 21F)
Fee: ¥1,500
The 13th Annual Temple University Japan Campus Applied Linguistics Colloquium is an exploration of current research into second language acquisition and pedagogy. The primary goal of this event is to provide a venue for both new and experienced researchers to present their work in a supportive atmosphere. The second goal of the event is for researchers to be able to discuss research-related issues with one another in order to learn more about conducting high-quality educational research.
For more information, including a map and directions, please the the Temple Univerisity Japan Campus website HERE.