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Entries in FAB1 (1)


FAB1: Connecting Brain Science with EFL

Date: July 10, 2011 (Sunday)
Time: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Location: Konan University Hirano School of Management (Nishinomiya)
Fee: ¥3000 for JALT members, ¥4000 Non-JALT members, ¥2000 for full-time students

FAB1 is like no other conference that you have been to. The whole day is designed as a single coherent package. What you learn in the first session will connect and compound with every other session at the FAB conference! We believe in active learning -so be prepared to focus on the content and speak up during the "Power Sessions". By the end of the conference, you will have a notebook full of take home activities and a brain full of new ideas and inspiration for your classrooms!

9:00 Open Doors
9:30 Opening / Posters / Coffee
10:00 Plenary #1: Robert S. Murphy
10:50 Plenary #2: Curtis Kelly
11:00 "Power Sessions" (Breakout Groups)
11:40 Vetted Presentations / Posters / Lunch [bring your own lunch]
13:30 Plenary #3: Marc Helgesen
14:20 Plenary #4: Tim Murphey
15:10 Vetted Presentations / Posters
16:00 "Power Sessions" (Breakout Groups)
17:00 Panel Discussion Q & A
17:30 Closing

Participants can register in advance by clicking HERE.