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Osaka JALT Journal Vol. 11 is out!
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Entries in FLP SIG (2)


Mike Byram: Purposes and approaches to foreign language education

Date: June 28, 2011 (Tuesday)
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Umeda Lifelong Learning Center
Entrance fee:
Free for JALT members and members of the co-sponsoring groups
1,000 yen for others.

Purposes and approaches to foreign language education: universalism or particularism?

The main focus of this talk will be whether language teaching can be 'universal' or has to be 'particularistic' i.e. with the purposes and aims /objectives specific to each country. This will lead onto dealing with the model of intercultural communicative competence (Byram, 1997). The talk will include a question and answers section.

This event is co-sponsored by Osaka JALT, the Framework & Language Portfolio Special Interest Group (FLP SIG), and the East Shikoku Chapter in cooperation with Osaka University Research Institute for World Languages.

Registration by email is necessary (by June 14th)
Contact Fergus O’Dwyer (FLP SIG/Osaka University):


2011 Back to School Event

Date: Sunday, April 24, 2011
10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Osaka Gakuin University, Building No. 2
Admission: Students: 300 yen, JALT members: 500 yen, Non-members: 1000 yen

JALT’s Osaka Chapter, in collaboration with the Framework and Language Portfolio SIG and Task Based Learning SIG, is proud to sponsor our second annual Back to School event, to be held April 24 at Osaka Gakuin University.

At this mini-conference there will be presentations on a wide range of topics including theory and practice related to Task-Based Learning and the Common European Framework (CEFR), as well as presentations on pedagogical practices and topics of interest and practical application to classroom language teachers. 

The schedule of presentations can be downloaded HERE.

100% of proceeds from this event will be going to support relief efforts in Tohoku via the Save the Children organization, so come join us for a great day of sharing ideas that are sure to help start off the new school year on a positive note.

Map of Osaka Gakuin University. More transportation information HERE.