7th Annual Tech Day Plus at Hannan University
Date: Sunday, June 19, 2011
Time: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM (registration opens at 9:30)
Location: Hannan University's main campus (Kintetsu Kawachi Amami station)
Fee: ¥1000 JALT Members (Free for full-time student members), ¥1500 Non-members (¥500 for full-time student non-members)
The themes of Tech Day are simplicity and practicality -- ideas that language teachers and learners can use either in or out of the classroom. In addition to our "Tech" presentations that will take place in fully equipped computer labs, we'll have a wide range of other presentations on non-technical topics in the "Plus" room.
Steve McCarty, Osaka Jogakuin College professor, will give the opening plenary session "Online education and virtual organizations". McCarty was elected president of the U.S.-based NPO World Association for Online Education several times from 1998: http://waoe.org. See his bilingual online library: http://waoe.org/steve/epublist.html
We are also proud to have these presenters (in alphabetical order):
Simon Bibby - Investigating student preferences, proficiency and usage patterns: PCs versus cell phones
Chris Brizzard - Creating podcasts with Audacity
Kelly Butler & Michael Wilkins - Teaching paperless
John Campbell-Larsen - Creating a Video Corpus
Harry Carley - Working with Wikis, Technology in Teaching
Nat Carney - Online textual analysis tools useful for working with EFL Writing
Mark Donnellan - A blended approach: The use of CALL tools in EFL lessons / An introduction to electronic textbooks
Jean-Paul DuQuette - Evaluating Online Games for Language Learning
Craig Gamble - Educational advantages of using Dropbox in your classroom
Floyd Graham, Anthony Lavigne, & Gary Fogal - Global English made accessible and meaningful for EFL learners
Myles Grogan - Simple text animation for class websites / Recipes for Wired Teachers - Online!
Troy Guze - How to protect sensitive data on your computer with encription
William Hogue - Course websites with Google Sites / Flip your classroom with Google / Google Forms for homework?
Christopher Johnston - Practical motivational strategies for Japanese university students
Laura Markslag - Name cards: Motivating classes through individual accountability / Own it! How digital movies help learners use English meaningfully
Stuart McLean - Computerized flash card sites: when learning and monitoring learning
Junko Omotedani - Classroom listening comprehension activities based on the processes of listening
Michal B. Paradowski - InfoVis Interfaces: Moving beyond the corpus in the language and culture classroom
Andrew Philpott - Motivating students using CALL
Bob Sanderson - Extensive Reading Online
Gabrielle Wallace - Just "act" natural: Speaking naturally beyond grammar and vocabulary
Bill White - English Central for the Blended Classroom
Josh Wilson - Think like a video game designer to build better courses
Brian Wojtowicz - Lesson idea enhancements using online video clips and images
The schedule of presentations can be downloaded HERE.