Dinner with Keith Johnson and Milagros Laurel in Umeda
DATE: Wednesday, Nov 16
TIME: 6:30 - 9:00 pm
LOCATION: Oven Oven Italian restaurant in Umeda
R.S.V.P.: osakajalt@yahoo.com
We are fortunate to be able to host two of this year's invited speakers at JALT 2011 for dinner at the wonderful and very cozy Oven Oven Italian Restaurant in Umeda. RSVP to osakajalt@yahoo.com .
Keith Johnson - Emeritus Professor of Linguistics and Language Education, Lancaster University, UK – is an invited speaker at this year’s JALT conference, sponsored by the TED and CUE SIGs. Starting his career as a teacher of English and linguistics in Croatia, Malta and Italy, Keith moved to the Centre for Applied Language Studies at the University of Reading in 1974 and joined Lancaster University’s Linguistics Department in 1994. His years of teaching on MA programs produced An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (2008). At Lancaster he founded the research group LATEX (LAnguage Teaching EXpertise); see Expertise in Second Language Learning and Teaching (2005). Other influential publications include the 1979 title The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching (co-editor C.J. Brumfit), 1981’s Communication in the Classroom (co-editor K. Morrow), Communicative Syllabus Design and Methodology in 1982, and 2003’s Designing Language Teaching Tasks. Currently, he is pursuing an interest in the language of Shakespeare, as well as developing his interest in expertise.
Dr. Ma. Milagros C. Laurel is a Professor at the Department of English and Comparative Literature, University of the Philippines in Diliman. She is a recipient of national and international awards for excellence in teaching and research, among them the TESOL Thomson Heinle Award for Excellence inTeaching, the UP Outstanding Teacher Award and the UP International Publication Award. She has delivered several papers on applied linguistics at international conferences, and is JALT 2011's Balsamo Asian Scholar.
Oven Oven is a cozy little place in a classic, early twentieth century building in the heart of Umeda's modern skyscrapers, located just around the corner from the Outback Grill by exit 10 of Nishi-Umeda station, and very close to JR Osaka station as well. Here's their link with a map: http://r.gnavi.co.jp/k060301/lang/en/map Individual dishes are 500 to 1000 yen, dinner courses are 1370 to 3150 yen, and drinks cost 300 to 600 yen. If you have any trouble finding the place, please give us a call at 080-3789-6394.