Back to School 2021
Thank you to everyone for making Back to School 2021 a great success. Click on the links in the block schedule to see recordings of sessions. More will be added later.
Back to School 2021 is Osaka JALT’s 11th annual spring mini-conference which aims to share ideas on a wide range of language teaching and learning topics to help everyone in the new academic year. There is sure to be something for everyone, and all are very welcome to join us for all or any part of the day or evening.
This year we'll again hold the event online due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. Last year's event was our first online event and it went very well. Here's last year's schedule with links to recorded presentations, and abstracts.
Many thanks to everyone who submitted presentation proposals this year! Below are this year's conference presenters and presentation titles with some of the pre-recorded session links. You can find the list of presenters, their biographies, presentation titles and abstracts here.
Back to School 2021 Schedule
Supplementary Files & Links from the chat:
John Carle's "Who will take care of Mum?" Document.
Free Trial Request for EssayJack
This event is free for everyone, so please help spread the word and plan to join us on Sunday, May 9th, for part or all of what is sure to be a great day and evening!
Back to School 2021は、新年度に向けて言語教育や学びに関するさまざまなアイデアを参加者の皆さんと共有する、大阪JALTが年に一度開催する春のミニ会議です。今年の会議はコロナ感染拡大に伴い5月9日(日)にオンラインにて開催します。過去の会議もそうであるように、今年のミニ会議も参加者の皆さんにきっと何かをもたらすはずです。最後まであるいはその日のいくつかのセッションの参加でも歓迎いたします。
今年度のこのイベントも大阪女学院大学 国際共生研究所(RIICC)との共催です。開始時間および終了時間に変更が生じる可能性はありますが、日時が近づいてきましたら詳細はこのホームページ上でお伝えいたしますのでご確認ください。
プレゼンテーションを現在募集中です!締め切りは4月4日です。企画書提出の際にいただいた情報はこのイベントの目的のみで使われます。 何か質問がございましたら までいつでもご連絡ください。
2021年5月9日(日)9:30a.m. ~ 9:30p.m.