Summer social by the river, in Minoh park
Come join us in Minoh Park by (and in) the river to cool down, connect with old and new friends, and help wind down the semester while helping raise awareness of and some funds for a good cause. We'll have some refreshments to share, but please bring a bento if you like, snacks, beverages, and a rubber duck if you have one and would like to participate in the rubber duck race! (Rubber ducks can be found at Daiso and other stores.) It's 100 yen to sponsor a duck, or pitch in whatever you like, with all proceeds going to support Kodomo Shokudo, a volunteer group that provides free or reduced-priced meals for underprivileged children in Minoh and throughout Japan.
Meet at Minoh station at 2:00, or join us on the east bank of the river about halfway to the falls whenever you can, for as long or as short a time as you like as you enjoy all that the park has to offer. All are welcome, and the more the merrier!
If you miss the group get-together at 2pm, simply come up the walkway towards the waterfall. Walk past the Insect Museum and after walking under the red bridge at Ryoanji Temple you will see Yamamoto Coffee shop on your right. Go down the slope towards it, cross the rustic bridge looking at the "Monsoon Cafe" blue tarp, take a left, and keep walking along the river until you find us near the next bridge and public bathroom.
RSVP here to give us an idea of how many to expect, and to get emails of updated and more detailed information.