Current and prospective Osaka JALT officers, other JALT members and prospective members
It's that time of year again for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to report and reflect on the past year as a Chapter and discuss plans for the coming one, including chapter officer positions. Nominations for all officer positions are open to Osaka Chapter members up to and during the meeting. Officer terms are for one year, starting January 1st. If a position is contested, we'll hold an online election after the AGM.
To get a better sense of our team of officers, here is our current roster.
Officers' duties are roughly as follows:
- The Chapter President coordinates and oversees the running of the chapter, recruits and liaises with and assists other officers as necessary, represents the Chapter at JALT’s 3 annual national Executive Board meetings and in ongoing online JALT-wide discussions, and submits an annual report to the Executive Board.
- The Treasurer manages the chapter’s money and maintains and submits monthly and annual financial reports.
- The Program Chair(s) oversees the organizing of our events, in collaboration with other officers and volunteers.
- The Membership Chair focuses on our regular members by signing up and welcoming new members, sending reminders to those whose membership dues are coming or have come due, and maintains our membership records.
- The Publicity Chair(s) primarily focuses on spreading the word about what we’re doing to non-JALT members via our email list, facebook group, and any other way that is deemed appropriate.
- Officers at Large have no specific duties but pitch in as needed in a variety of ways as their time permits.
RSVP HERE to get the Zoom link, to ask questions or give feedback, and/or to let us know whether you'd like to nominate yourself or another Osaka JALT member to serve as an officer or in some other way in the coming year.
This is a good chance to learn more about Osaka JALT, share ideas, and meet several of our officers and other members. We do hope to see you online at the meeting, but if you're not able to attend, you can still nominate yourself or another Osaka JALT member for an officer position, or give us feedback on the RSVP link with any questions, concerns, or suggestions you might have.