April 2022 SIETAR Kansai
Osaka JALT is proud to co-sponser, along with JALT Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe:
April 2022 SIETAR Kansai:
Biased Teaching, Biased Language, Marginalized Students
Speaker: Masaki C. Matsumoto (writer, speaker, YouTuber)
Date: April 24, 2022 (Sunday)
Time: 14:00-17:00
Fee: Free for all
Language: English (Q & A in English and Japanese)
ZOOM Online presentation *registration required*
Contact: fujimotodonna@gmail.com to get the Zoom link; for any questions.
Description: Students who come from minority backgrounds face obstacles that teachers, classmates and administrators may not be aware of. Subtle and not-so-subtle biases exist, and it is important to not only raise our awareness, but to also actively work on ways to combat any resulting negative effects. Biases exist not only in the ways that educators teach, but also in how language itself operates within the confines of social and cultural landscapes. The speaker will share examples of biased teaching and of biased language where students may feel ignored, left out, or forced to silence themselves in the classroom—and in some cases, they may even feel compelled to quit learning altogether. Be prepared to have your eyes opened!
Masaki C. Matsumoto is originally from Tochigi prefecture and currently lives in Gunma prefecture, where he
blogs, produces YouTubes and podcasts, while lecturing on topics that draw attention to issues that dispute heteropatriarchy—in particular, these include the LGBT movement, the history of social discourse on sexual desires, and the rights and dignity of sex workers.
For details, see https://medium.com/@MasakiCM