An Evening with Dr. John Read
Date: May 20, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Umeda Lifelong Learning Center, Room 3
Fee: Free for JALT members (Although ¥500 donations are recommended)
¥1000 for one day members
(All proceeds will be donated to charity to help vicitms of the Tohoku disaster)
Osaka JALT is proud to sponsor a talk by Dr. John Read of the Univeristity of Auckland. Dr. Read will be passing through Osaka on his way to give the plenary speech at the 2011 PAN SIG conference in Matsumoto, Nagano.
Dr. Read is the author of Assessing Vocabulary, published by Cambridge Univerisity Press.
The Osaka Municipal Lifelong Learning Center Umeda is located on the 5th floor of the Osaka Eki Mae Dai 2 Building in Umeda.
Even if you can't make it for Dr. Read's presentation, please feel free to join us for dinner at Satoyama dining restaurant on the 17th floor of the Terminal Building (near Hankyu Umeda station), starting from about 8:30. Dinner buffet is just 2500 yen for 90 minutes, and nomihodai (all you care to drink) is an additional 500 yen. Please email to reserve a place for dinner, or give us a call at 080-3789-6394 on Friday if you have trouble finding us.

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