Motivation and Negotiated Syllabuses: Two presentations by Andy Boon
Two presentations by Andy Boon, a Featured Speaker at JALT 2011 (followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant):
1. Here we are now, Motivate us
You walk into the classroom. The students are at the back chatting with friends, sitting in silence, checking their phones, or resting their heads on the desks. Then, suddenly, the bell sounds. It is the start of the class. How do we as teachers change the classroom dynamic to one where learning can take place for all concerned? How do we create an environment and experience that will spark our students' natural curiosity and eagerness to develop? Once in action, how can we help nurture and sustain their interest throughout the lesson when learner motivation is constantly at threat. This presentation will provide an overview of Dörnyei's motivational teaching practice model (2001), describe its practical application in the L2 classroom, and explore strategies for generating, maintaining and protecting student motivation. The audience will be invited to share their own experiences of and suggestions for stimulating teen spirit.
2. Negotiated syllabuses: Do you want to?
It has been said that negotiated syllabuses can increase student motivation and involvement in the learning process. And yet, learner and teacher reservations towards gaining or relinquishing control of syllabus design decisions can often mean that negotiated syllabuses are difficult to implement. This presentation will look at three different teaching contexts in which negotiated syllabuses (or certain elements of negotiation) have been implemented (business courses, extension center courses, and university courses). It will describe the results of a qualitative research study into whether teachers and students really want to negotiate syllabuses. Finally, the audience will be invited to share their own experiences by answering the questions; have you and do you want to?
Andrew Boon is an associate professor in the faculty of humanities at Toyo Gakuen University. He has been teaching in Japan for over 14 years and is an Aston University PhD student. He has been an active member of JALT since 2004, has presented at numerous conferences, and has published several articles on teacher development, motivation, and methodology. At the time of writing, he is currently working on a new coursebook, Discover the News with David Harrington (Language Solutions, 2011).
Osaka JALT Int'l Hanami BBQ Party -- Sunday, April 8 @Sakuranomiya park

Sunday, April 8, at Sakuranomiya park
Osaka JALT again teams up with WhyNot?!Japan and Kinki Brewers for our annual International Hanami BBQ Party @ Sakuranomiya Park~~~!
(NOTE: Location is NOT at Osaka-jo park as in the past, since bbq-ing was banned at our old spot.)
Check out a 30-sec. video of last year's event at:
It's BYOB. So bring meats & veggies etc. for BBQ & drinks. (We prepare BBQ grills.)
Everyone is welcome~ ;) Bring your friends and make new friends too!
100 people are expected ;)
誰でも参加オッケー。新しい友達を作ろう! 約100名の外国人&
★No Charge★無料★
Date: April 8th Sunday
Time: Noon ~ Sunset
Place: Sakuranomiya Park (桜宮公園)
Access: 5 min from JR Sakuranomiya station. (West exit)
Go south from West exit (along a river). You will pass the "NEW" beach and baseball field. Our spot is next to baseball field. (Toilet is in front.) Check the map below.
See you there~!!
Your Osaka JALT Team, and
Back to School 2012: Sunday, April 22 @OGU
Sunday, April 22 at Osaka Gakuin University
Back to School 2012
Back to School is our annual spring one-day mini-conference which aims to share ideas on a wide range of topics to help everyone start the new school year on a positive note.
Check out this 30 sec. video summary of last year's event:
With long and short presentations, poster sessions, and plenty of time to socialize (especially at the dinner party afterwards at a nearby restaurant) there is sure to be something for everyone. See our conference homepage here.
Date: Sunday, April 22, 2012
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Location: Osaka Gakuin University, Building No. 2 (See map here.)
Fee: ¥1000 JALT Members & Full-time Students; ¥2000 One-day members
This year's presentations include:
Jason Bartashius | After School Lessons For Tohoku Children |
Thomas Boutorwick | Individualized Vocabulary Quizzes |
Harry Carley | Wikis or Blogs: Which is right for a writing course? |
Gretchen Clark |
Practical Ideas for Developing Learner Autonomy in Secondary Classes |
Pahnee Fukui | Bloom's Taxonomy and Critical Thinking |
Sean Gay | Improving grading efficiency with Word 2010 |
Kristin Golden |
Using Taboo and Controversial Topics to Engage Intermediate and Advanced Learners |
Noriko Kinami and Takaaki Morioka |
Self-motivating Strategies Used by Adult EFL Learners and University Students in Japan |
Alison Kitzman |
"Frontloading" Communication Skills and Strategies in Language Classes |
Arthur Lauritsen | 10 lessons you can do without handouts |
Catherine LeBlanc | Fostering communicative competence through reading circles |
Matt Lucas |
Crossing the Frontier: Cross-Linguistic Awareness-Raising and L2 Written Accuracy |
Paul Marlowe | Absorb, Retain, Apply: Ideas for Maximizing Language Learning |
Stuart McLean | Dictogloss and forced output following speed-reading. |
Christopher Micek | Peeling the Cultural Onion |
Tony Minotti |
An action plan to help reduce classroom stress for EFL students |
Fergus O'Dwyer | Assessing the role of Classroom Assessment Practices |
Junko Omotedani | Theory and Practice for TOEIC Reading Classes |
Matthew Reynolds | Isn't it time we had a JALT SIG for school owners? |
Steve McCarty | Analyzing Types of Bilingual Education in Japan and the World |
Michael Sullivan | Cubing: Six Sides to An Activity |
Donna Tatsuki | The Place of Literature in the ELT Curriculum |
Jennifer Voss | Making Learning Stick: Review Activities |
Jason White | Using role-play to increase motivation and lower anxiety |
Brian Wojtowicz |
Diary Studies: The Benefits of Simple or Extensive Self-Reflection |
Lori Zenuk-Nishide | Literary Texts in ELT in Japan |
Schedule posted online here, and presentation descriptions are online here.
100% of the proceeds from this event will be going to support relief efforts in Tohoku, so by participating you'll not only be learning, schmoozing, and getting ready for the new school year, you'll also be helping us make a difference for those that can definitely use and will greatly appreciate our assistance. Come help us help those who so greatly need it and appreciate it in Tohoku!
Osaka JALT Chapter Constitution ratified
The results of the ballot to ratify our new updated chapter constitution is as follows:
Yes -- 105 members
No -- 2 members
Abstain -- 5 members
Voting ended June 21. We had 112 votes out of 198 paid-up members, for a fairly high 56% participation rate (and 53% approval, so a clear majority). The new constitution can be viewed at, and a list of all ratified chapter & SIG constitutions is posted at
NOTE: If you are a paid-up member who did NOT get your ballot in an email titled "Osaka JALT Constituiton", then there may be a problem with your email address in our records, so please check and/or update it with our Membership Chair.
And if you DID get the ballot but did not vote, then please let us know that your email address is valid, as this election is a good opportunity to confirm or update your info with us.
Effective Language Teaching:
The Never-Ending Challenge
Date: Saturday, July 21, 10:00 – 17:00
Location: Kansai University of International Studies, Amagasaki campus.
Registration fee: Thanks to the sponsors, this event is FREE for everyone.
Osaka JALT is pleased to co-sponsor this one-day mini-conference on Saturday, July 21, 2012, at Kansai University of International Studies (KUIS) in Amagasaki (Hyogo).
Other co-sponsors are the Literature in Language Teaching (LiLT SIG), Kobe JALT, the JALT Jr/Sr. High School SIG, Cengage Learning, Pearson Kirihara, and Oxford Unversity Press, the Research Institute for Communication and the Department of English Education of Kansai University of International Studies.
The theme is “Effective Language Teaching: The Never-Ending Challenge.”
The objectives are:
*to identify the challenges language teachers face in the classroom,
*to come up with ways to confront these challenges, and
*to develop a network among high schools and universities to share information about language teaching.
Plenary Speakers:
This year’s plenary speakers are Paul Hullah (Meiji Gakuen University, Tokyo), and Kazuhiro Nomura (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies).
Osaka JALT Beer Garden Party 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012 - 6:00pm - 9:00pmCome help us celebrate the end of another semester and the beginning of (or soon to begin) summer vacation at the Hanshin Rooftop Beer Garden! This will also be a chance to bid farewell and wish good luck to our friend Deryn Verity (a long-time JALT stalwart and this year's national conference co-chair) who is heading back to the States this summer to take up a new teaching position there.
RSVP so we can reserve you a seat, or just show up and hope for the best. 3500 yen per person for all you can eat and drink. All are welcome. Sure to be a good time!
Saturday, Oct. 6, 5:00 - 8:30 pm
Annual General Meeting and Dinner Party
It's customary to hold an Osaka JALT Annual General Meeting (AGM) before the national JALT conference each year in order to discuss JALT business and plans for the coming year. In the hopes of encouraging more members to join our officers for this, and especially given that we have no particularly contentious issues to discuss this year (with no contested positions in our online officer elections, which current members will be receiving a separate email about soon), we have decided to hold this year's AGM this coming Saturday, October 6th, from 5:00 to 6:20 pm at Antico Caffe Alavis (Italian Bar) at Namba Parks 2F level , followed by a dinner party from 6:30 to 8:30 pm or so at Shukakusai Restaurant on the 6F level of Namba Parks (This is a very reasonably priced and eclectic place specializing in delicious rotisserie chicken and all you can eat home baked breads, with roast beef, fish, and pasta dishes too).
We'll try to get whatever serious business there may be done at the Cafe and have more informal discussions over dinner and drinks at the restaurant. Current Osaka JALT members will receive 500 yen off of their bill at the cafe and 500 yen off at the restaurant. Those whose dues have expired may catch up with their dues there on Saturday if they like.
RSVP by Friday to to let us know whether you'll be joining us at the cafe, at the restaurant, or both so we can do our best to reserve enough space. Friends, colleagues, and significant others are all very welcome to attend as well. If you have any trouble finding us on Saturday at either the cafe or the restaurant (or at the likely to happen nijikai afterwards) please call 080-3789-6394. We hope to see many of you there this coming Saturday (and in Hamamatsu the weekend of October 12-15!).